New Release! 2021 Easthope Family Winegrowers Two Terrace Vineyard Chenin Blanc

Easthope Vineyard is a family-owned and operated winery. In the words of the winemaker, Rod Easthope: “singular wines with an element of profundity are only created through the efforts and skills of vested hands.”
“Aroma notes such as ripe pear, baked apple and lemon sorbet characters spring to mind when first approaching the glass. It is also flecked with mineral notes of crushed stone. It is hard to know if this is due to the concrete egg tank maturation or if it is a site-derived character. Either way, it lends an Old World complexity and a suggestion that the wine is imbued with a sense of place, (Winemaker notes).
The 2021 Chenin Blanc is fermented with wild yeast in our cast stone egg-shaped tanks, which are: “…rich in tannins and stable by nature, allowing long-lasting wine with no need for additives to preserve wine’s quality and premium taste” (see picture above for reference).
If you would like to know more about this wine or even purchase it please do not hesitate to reach out to D&N